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Mount Hikurangi

Mount Hikurangi

Mount Hikurangi
4 hour walk,
This 771m high mountain is a landmark of the area and in spite of its shape is not a volcano but is still a very interesting and steep climb. On clear days the views are superb. The track begins at the end of Piaua Road, on a private farm managed by Tonia and Danny Richardson. It is necessary and polite to phone for permission to access the area and to leave your vehicles there. The phone number is 07 896 7804. After leaving the homestead the track quickly climbs up the ridge but take time to enjoy the views when you need to catch your breath. Towards the top, the track passes through some scrubby bush until you emerge on the top at a trig. From here you can enjoy seeing Mounts Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, Tongariro and Egmont (Taranaki) with Taumarunui nestled down in the valley below. The track, marked with marker tape leads to the other side of the summit where there is a great picnic spot and views of Mt Pirongia and over the Waikato. This edge is a precipice and drops straight down hundreds of feet. The return journey is undertaken much quicker and on reaching the cars a certain satisfaction is felt at having attained the summit of this special landmark.